Coyne Airways Surcharges
Fuel Surcharge
Due to the volatility in jet fuel prices Coyne Airways, like most other airlines, charges a fuel surcharge on shipments. Our customers have told us tariff stability is important to them and the fuel surcharge allows us to maintain our tariff rates while keeping charges in line with fuel costs.
The current fuel surcharges for Gulf & Africa destinations in effect from November 03, 2014 are:
Europe: EUR 0.90/kg
The current fuel surcharges for Caspian destinations in effect from November 03, 2014 are:
Europe: EUR 0.95/kg
Fuel surcharges are applied on the chargeable weight.
For fuel surcharge applicability and rates in other territories please contact your local Coyne Airways sales office.
Coyne Airways continually monitors jet fuel prices and the fuel surcharge will be adjusted up or down should there be any significant changes in the cost of fuel.
We endeavour to give our customers as much notice as possible prior to any change coming into force. Any change will be announced by email alert to our customers and through other channels such as Inforwarding. This page will also be updated with the latest surcharges.
No War Risk Surcharge
Many airlines in certain territories (e.g. UK) impose a war risk surcharge on all shipments. This is not only applied to shipments into war zones or countries with war-like conditions but to all destinations.
Even though Coyne Airways does fly into countries that are currently at war, we do not charge a war risk surcharge and frankly we have never understood why other airlines impose this surcharge.
So remember, when you see a Coyne Airways rate and are comparing it with our competition, you are saving whatever war risk surcharge they impose by booking with Coyne.
Other Surcharges
Other surcharges such as handling and security vary by point of origin so you should contact your local Coyne Airways sales office or consult our tariff sheets for further information.
Revised handling and security surcharges were introduced in the UK market in January 2016.