Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
If you are looking for more information on Coyne Airways or have a question for us please check below to see if it has already been answered. If it hasn't please don't hesitate to contact us. Click on the question to be taken to the answer.
When was Coyne Airways founded?
What type of aircraft do you use?
Why should I use Coyne Airways and not another carrier?
How often do you fly to your destinations?
How do I request a quote for a shipment to one of your destinations?
How do I contact Coyne Airways in my territory?
During what times can I contact Coyne Airways?
How do I obtain Coyne Airways rates?
What are your current surcharges?
What information is necessary to provide to Coyne Airways in order for you to quote on a shipment?
What are your restrictions on shipping Dangerous Goods?
Do you offer a door to door service?
Where should I deliver my cargo at the airport?
What is the latest time for tendering a shipment for a certain flight?
How do I request a proof of delivery (POD)?
What is your billing procedure and do you bill through CASS?
I wish to make a claim for lost/damaged cargo, what do I do?
Do you currently have any job vacancies?
Do you hire flight crew / cabin crew?
When was Coyne Airways founded?
Coyne Airways was founded by Larry Coyne in 1994 and is owned by the Coyne family. For further information on the history of the company click here.
What type of aircraft do you use?
One of the benefits of our model of chartering aircraft from aircraft operators rather than operating our own fleet is that we can match capacity to demand and use the aircraft that best suit our customer’s requirements. The most common aircraft we use is the Boeing 747 freighter. Our Tbilisi service is operated by the latest version of this legendary aircraft, the B747-8F which offers increased payload and lower fuel burn than its predecessors. Our regional services in the Caspian region utilise bulk loading Antonov 12 or Ilyushin IL76 aircraft which allow us to access the remotest airfields where ground infrastructure is limited. For our Gulf operation we utilise a mix of B747-400F, Airbus A300F and IL76 aircraft.
Why should I use Coyne Airways and not another carrier?
By choosing Coyne Airways you are dealing with the experts in the areas that we serve. Coyne Airways has been operating in the Caspian region since 1994 and was the first western carrier offering scheduled services in that region. Equally we were the first carrier in Iraq following the end of combat operations in 2004 and two years later into Afghanistan. We use all of that experience every day. We operate in regions where a lot of unexpected things can happen and through our experience we are able to anticipate these and ensure that our customers receive a seamless service. To find out more about why you should use Coyne, see our 10 Reasons to use Coyne Airways.
How often do you fly to your destinations?
All of our scheduled destinations are served at least once weekly. Please consult our schedules pages for times and frequencies.
How do I request a quote for a shipment to one of your destinations?
Simply contact your local Coyne Airways office or General Sales Agent and we will respond as soon as possible with a quote.
How do I contact Coyne Airways in my territory?
Coyne Airways has offices in London and Dubai and a worldwide network of General Sales Agents. Check out our contacts pages to find the sales office closest to you. If you wish to speak us about corporate affairs please contact our London office.
During what times can I contact Coyne Airways?
Please feel free to contact Coyne Airways at any time. Our customer service desks are fully manned in London from 09:00-18:00 Monday to Friday, and in Dubai, 08.30-21.00, Monday to Friday and 09.00-18.00 on Saturday and Sunday. You may experience a slightly longer wait for responses to non-urgent emails outside of these hours, but our senior management team can be contacted and can assist with urgent matters at any time. Office hours vary for our GSAs but they will generally be open during the normal working hours in their territory.
How do I obtain Coyne Airways rates?
Please contact your local Coyne Airways sales office for our latest tariffs.
What are your current surcharges?
Please click here for a list of our current surcharges. The fuel surcharge is constantly monitored to ensure it is in line with the current fuel price index.
What information is necessary to provide to Coyne Airways in order for you to quote on a shipment?
In order to accurately quote any shipment, we require the gross weight, together with the dimensions of each piece, details of the commodity and whether there are any special requirements e.g. dangerous goods, temperature controlled etc. We will also need to know if the cargo will be tendered pre-screened for carriage (screening procedures vary by origin country). It is also helpful to tell us the origin and destination of the cargo!
What are your restrictions on shipping Dangerous Goods?
Acceptance of dangerous goods by Coyne Airways is in accordance with the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, the ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Carriage of Dangerous Goods and all applicable domestic and international rules and regulations. We can accept all types of Dangerous Goods in accordance with these regulations (surcharges apply). Certain destinations impose their own restrictions, particularly relating to Class 1 and 7 shipments so please check with us about which goods we can accept to which destinations. Click here for further Dangerous Goods information.
I am a shipper; can I book directly with Coyne Airways rather than going through a freight forwarder?
As a cargo airline we will only accept bookings from registered freight forwarders. The freight forwarder will be able to arrange collection, documentation and export formalities to present the cargo to Coyne ready for carriage. As a shipper if you contact us for rates on our service we will not be able to provide them to you directly but will be happy to recommend a freight forwarder in your area that can provide a service based on Coyne Airways.
Do you offer a door to door service?
As an airline Coyne Airways does not offer a door to door product. We do offer an airport to door service as standard for shipments that are destined for Afghanistan military bases, whereby we will take the gods from origin airport to the consignee on base. Similarly we offer a door to airport service for shipments originating at Afghanistan military bases. For other destinations we may be able assist in certain circumstances with collection and delivery on an ad-hoc basis. Please contact us with your requirements.
I am in the United States and I notice you only fly from Europe or Dubai, how can you move my cargo from the US?
Coyne Airways has an extensive network of interline partnerships with other cargo airlines covering almost all parts of the globe. This means that you can tender your shipment to your local airport in the US and it will fly on a Coyne 575 AWB from that airport to one of our hubs, from where we will take it to the final destination. This is a seamless service with quick connections at our hubs to offer you the fastest possible origin to destination transit times. Click here for a list of our current interline partners. Contact your local Coyne Airways sales office to make a booking.
Where should I deliver my cargo at the airport?
Please contact your local office to find out where your shipment should be delivered. Please note that at some locations we will have more than one delivery point depending on whether the shipment is destined for Gulf or Caspian destinations so it is important to check at time of booking where your cargo should be tendered.
What is the latest time for tendering a shipment for a certain flight?
The cut-off time for tendering shipments varies by location. Generally we would require shipments a minimum of 6-8 hours prior to flight or connecting truck departure time but this can be affected by a number of factors such as the security status of the shipment. Please ask us at the time of booking for the precise cut off time at your chosen delivery point.
How do I request a proof of delivery (POD)?
To request a POD please contact the sales channel used to make your booking i.e. Coyne office or GSA as appropriate. For Gulf destinations PODs are provided free of charge. For Caspian destinations where PODs are generally more difficult for us to obtain, we do charge a small administration fee for each POD. This fee is usually listed on our tariffs or can be obtained through your usual sales channel.
Rest assured that by sending your cargo with Coyne Airways your shipment is insured in the event that something goes wrong. Please see our Terms & Conditions page for further information regarding liability.
What is your billing procedure and do you bill through CASS?
Billing procedures vary by territory. In territories where Coyne is represented by a GSA please contact them directly to discuss payment terms. Some GSAs do bill through CASS and some do not. Generally our GSAs will be happy to extend credit subject to the usual checks. In the UK and UAE where Coyne handles its own sales we do not bill through CASS and we will send an invoice after the shipment has arrived at destination. We offer standard 30 day credit terms at the discretion of our finance team. Should you require any other credit arrangements we are happy to discuss your requirements.
I wish to make a claim for lost/damaged cargo, what do I do?
If you wish to make a claim for lost or damaged cargo, please contact the office you used to make your booking as soon as possible to register your claim. Please provide as much detail as possible to aid our investigation.
Do you currently have any job vacancies?
Please visit our recruitment page to see a list of any current vacancies.
Do you hire flight crew / cabin crew?
Coyne Airways uses aircraft on charter from aircraft operators and we therefore do not directly employ any flight crew. As a cargo airline we have no requirement for cabin crew. We respectfully request that you do not contact us if you are looking for a flight crew/cabin crew role as we will be unable to assist.